Friday, October 20, 2017

Keep MURDERER of elderly Grandfather behind bars

Keep MURDERER of elderly Grandfather behind bars.

Sign the online petition NOW:

VIDEO of victim's granddaughter:

Facebook Event:

On August 3,1992, Phillip Clark Watts stabbed Lawrence Harrison "Hoss", 82 years old, 63 times in Lawrence's home before stealing his social security check, clothes and tools. There were 26 of the stab wounds in his face which blackened his eyes. 

Both his eyes were gouged out with the knife blinding him while they fought. He was fighting for his life. There were also bite marks on his back. His injuries were so extensive that his body was grotesquely mutilated.

Watts was convicted of murder in the 1st degree and was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison plus one extra year for using a knife. He will have only served 23 years when he is considered for parole.

We the undersigned STRONGLY OPPOSE PAROLE FOR Phillip Clark Watts. Justice demands he serve the full prison term given to him at the time of his sentence.

Watch the video on Facebook:

We now have petitions on
Parents Of Murdered Children
Citizens against Homicide

Through this all I have to say, I have met and experienced many acts of kindness that far out way the evil one human being committed. I am humbled and grateful for each and
everyone that took the time to sign and or comment. I could not of fought this fight alone.

Thank you and God Bless,
The family of Lawrence Robert Harrison “Hoss”